.a little me. .a lot of life.

There's a lot a 20-something year-old girl from Wisconsin has to say... follow me through it all!!
Days. Thoughts. Opinions. Anything I want!!
It's Chelsea's Life!!


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Moving Day!

Today I'm moving into our new place. I'm nervous, but at the same time excited to be in a new place and a new town. I want to explore the town so bad but it's cold and rainy today. I'll just be happy if I get my stuff there without it getting soaking wet.  I can't wait to decorate the place however I want to. This is an exciting step for me and Mike. I'm hoping everything works out good.
The house is a 2 bedroom one story house with a big yard and a garage. i've already got some gardening and outside yard ideas from pinterest.com to make that place look amazing on the outside as well as the inside. Well, sorry to make this so short but I have to go give the baby a bath and get ready for my day.
Enjoy your Sunday!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Felons and Voting

There are 12 states that bar felons from voting.
Being a felon can definitley mess up the way that society views a person. They made a mistake... a BIG mistake and have been punished for it... jail, prison, parole, or probation... does that mean that felons should not be allowed to help in the decision of who our nation's leader is? I don't think so.
In my opinion, I believe that felons should be allowed to vote, but only on certain terms that prove them to be good decision makers.
For example: A person who commited a crime, was found guilty, served time in jail and also served time on probation. They have been punished and have kept their nose clean... Now, that person has done their time and paid their dues. They should be considered a normal, law-abiding citizen. Innocent until proven guilty, right?? Or will society continue to punish a person for the rest of their lives because of one mistake? One moment of bad judgement?
Consider a father and son relationship for a minute. The son decides to take dad's car out for a joy ride after curfew one night. Bad judgement? Let's keep going... The son comes home and dad is NOT happy because the car has a scratch. So, he grounds his son for 2 weeks and makes him work off the repairs to the vehicle, which he does and pays his father back in full. Sound's fair right? Okay, 4 months down the road the son asks his dad to borrow the car for a job interview. Should the dad ground him again for 2 weeks just for asking? I don't think so. Should the dad's reaction be to tell him no? maybe. But it's important... it's important for both of them because the son is trying to be responsible and get a job and for the dad, it's also important because if his son wasn't trying to get a job, he'd end up supporting him his whole life.
I understand that felons should be punished for their wrong-doings, but if they've done their time and care enough to vote for who their leaders will be, then I think they've shown enough responsibility to have earned that right.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Listen up Ladies!! (getting over him)

I know for a lot of girls break-ups can seem like the end of the world... and trust me darlings, I've had my fair share of bad breaks. No matter how many times you have to try to get over someone, every time it's a learning experience. We learn every day. Getting over the guy you like or love is probably one of the hardest things to do... So what can help you get over it?? Let's read on, shall we?
1-Write it down.
I've never been one to write a daily diary entry about every little detail that happened to me that day. I write when BIG things happen. When you write about how you feel and let it all out on paper, you have the freedom to say whatever you want without someone else telling you anything. Sometimes when I'm feeling down I want to let it all out but not have anyone try to give me advice or anything. Writing it down is a good way to express your feelings... Another thing you can do, if things ended on bad terms and you have things you want to say to him but you don't talk anymore, you can write a letter in your diary/journal/notebook/whateveryougot to him and get out what you wanted... but DONT send the letter. Say everything you want to in that letter and keep it. Look at it later in life and you'll be so happy that you got over him.
2-Go OUT!!
Never sit at home and mope around all the time. You need to get out of the house and do things that will keep your mind off things. Have fun, but don't forget to control yourself.  It's easy to forget to give yourself a limit. Party, but don't go crazy. Never drink when your sad. Always remember self-control because during a hard time like getting over a break-up, you can be emotional and make bad decisions. So, go out and hang out with friends. Have a little fun.
3-Do what makes you happy.
Whatever you want to do that makes you happy, then DO IT! If you like a little retail therapy, then go buy those shoes you love so much. You catch my drift, hey? ;)
4- CRY!!
Give yourself a good cry. Let it out. There is scientific proof that crying helps healing. So go ahead and grab that box of kleenex and your favorite fluffy pillow and have at it! But give yourself a limit. Tell yourself you're only allowed one day of crying or something like that. You can't be sitting at home for months crying and being all emo about it. Cry, and move on.
5-Get a job.
If you don't have a job, get one! Keeping yourself busy will help you move on. You won't have time to think about him when you're busy at work. If you already have a job, pick up some more hours! AND... BONUS!!! You'll have more MONEYY!! chaaa-chiinnnnnngggg!!!
6- Take care of yourself.
When you take the extra time to do your hair or makeup, you'll feel better about yourself. Pick out something cute and pretty to wear. A little extra time on yourself is a mood booster.
7- Avoid.
Avoid them, avoid places, songs, things that remind you of him. Some things can trigger memories... even good memories that will leave you missing that person even more. So always avoid places you hung out together at. Avoid them if you can. Just seeing them can also bring back those feelings and make it much more painful than it needs to be.
8- Remember your worth.
You are pretty. You are good enough. Remember that you did everything you can to make things work. You're beautiful inside and out. And when you realize that, you'll be ready to move on to bigger better things. He's out there somewhere. You just haven't met him... YET.

It definitley takes time to get over someone who had a special place in your heart. Time... There's no easy way to fast foward through the pain. I wish I had some super amazing advice to give those girls who are broken hearted. All I know is all of these things help a lot. You have to go through the motions. It's not the end of the world. Hope this helps.

Later Dolls XO

Monday, March 26, 2012

When The Going Gets Tough

Life shouldn't be so tough sometimes. Things just stress us out... there's bills, working 40+ hours a week, trying to maintain a decent social life, chores, laundry, cleaning, etc. I used to wish there were more hours in a day so I could get everything done. Life has become this race to get everything done and to pack our schedules so full that we never actually get time for just being alive. Vacations sound so great, but even vacations are usually jam-packed with activities that leave you feeling more tired than relaxed. Life is tough. And as if being completely consumed by daily activities isn't enough, here comes the emotional part... Good days, bad days, crabby days, sad days, or all of them rolled into one single day!! That can wear a person out too!
Usually, when I've had a rough day I just want to lay in bed and do absoloutley nothing. But even though my body is completely exhausted, my mind will be running in circles and won't let me sleep. My mother always told me to read when I can't fall asleep... well, that would help if i was reading something boring. But who really wants to read something boring? Not me! I'll pick up my book and before you know it, 2 hours have gone by and I'm contemplating on if I should just stay up or take a little nap. Oh... yes.... a vacation sounds good to me. A real vacation. Somewhere warm. Tropical. Relaxing.
......With nothing to do but read a good book.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Forever Friends

I've realized that throughout life, you'll have friends... fair-weather friends, some fake-friends, and some of them just drift away. But just recently I heard a saying about friends that says this: 


 I think that is so true. I'd rather have one good friend than 25 friends who aren't.
In my case, I've got a whole DOLLAR! :) 

I call her "Bunny"... She's been my friend since the day I was born. When I was really young, she and her parents moved to Kazakhstan to be missionaries. I don't remember too much about it because I was so young, but I remember crying my little eyes out and missing her like crazy!!
She was gone for a few years and moved back to the states, but she still lives so far away. 
I'm glad she is my friend, and we'll always have a special bond.

 Her and I were inseperable for a long time. We did everything together. When I was in highschool, she moved to Arizona with her family. I was absoloutley crushed when she moved. Through the years, she traveled to different states and now she's closer, but still not as close as I'd like.
We've tried very hard to stay in touch, but it seems the older we get, the busier we get and it's so much harder to keep in touch. When we do get to talk or see eachother, it's like no time has passed. :) It's so good to have a friend like that.

We met in highschool. We were both a little shy, I think, but after Anna moved away I was in desperate need for a good friend to do things with. Turns out she was just that! We did so much together. She taught me a lot of dance moves. lol But not only did she teach me how to dance, she taught me how to be more confident. We spent a couple of years together and she moved to California to pursue her dreams of becoming a model and a singer. We still keep in touch, but life gets busy and it could be months before we actually get time to have a conversation.

She was a year or two behind me in highschool, but I was never one to be picky about befriending lower-classmen. I've done so many crazy things with this girl. She tells me her problems and I tell her mine. There has never been a secret between us. We've had a couple big fights, but we let it go and now we look back and laugh about it. We have so much fun together! Today she told me she's moving a state away.

I love my girls, and would do anything for them. I miss all of them like crazy and I wish time and money were not a problem, because I would love to visit them all regularly. I've had friends who just haven't held a candle to these girls...  these 4 amazing women who make my life so much better!!
I don't know if any of them will actually read this, but I'm so happy I've met each and every one of them... Girls, you are my sisters, and I love you all!
Love, Chelsea